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The hymenoplasty procedure involves the reconstruction of the hymenal ring. This procedure is performed to make the patient appear virginal. There are certain cultures and religious beliefs that place importance of virginal status at the time of marriage. It is not an effective procedure for a woman who has given childbirth. In those who have never been pregnant, precise incisions are made into the skin remnants of the hymeneal ring to bring them into close approximation to allow delicate sutures to hold the tissues in place. After the healing process, the goal is for the woman to notice bleeding during sexual intercourse when this ring is stretched.


Who is a good candidate for Hymenoplasty ?

Hymenoplasty is suitable for women who desire the restoration of their hymen for cultural, personal, or emotional reasons. Ideal candidates include:
  • Women who have lost their hymen due to previous sexual activity or physical activities like sports.
  • Those seeking to restore the appearance of virginity or meet cultural or religious expectations.
  • Women who are in good health and have realistic expectations.

What can the patient expect before, during, and after the treatment?


  • A consultation with Dr. Warren to discuss reasons for the procedure and any questions.
  • Preoperative instructions on hygiene, avoiding smoking, and certain medications.
  • This is performed with local anesthesia.


  • The procedure involves the suturing of the vaginal tissues to reconstruct the hymenal ring. It typically takes about 1 hour.
  • It is done under local anesthesia.


  • Patients may experience swelling and discomfort in the vaginal area for a few days.
  • Full recovery typically takes about 2-4 weeks, during which sexual activity is prohibited.
  • Follow-up appointments ensure healing and satisfaction.

Risks involved

Risks related to Hymenoplasty are generally minimal and are greatly reduced by the experience of your treatment provider. Dr. Lori Warren at Spa V, Louisville, KY is an expert in Hymenoplasty treatment with an extremely low rate of issues related to treatment. As with any surgical treatment, there are always some inherent risks, which can include:
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Unsatisfactory aesthetic results
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Frequently Asked Questions About Hymenoplasty

1. Will hymenoplasty affect my ability to have children?
No, hymenoplasty does not affect your fertility or ability to have children. It only restores the appearance of the hymen.
2. Why would someone choose to have a hymenoplasty?
Women may choose hymenoplasty for cultural, personal, or emotional reasons, such as meeting cultural expectations or feeling more confident about their body.
3. Is the procedure painful?
While some discomfort is expected after the surgery, pain is typically very mild and manageable with prescribed pain medication. Most women recover with minimal discomfort.
4. How long is the recovery time after hymenoplasty?

Recovery typically takes about 1-2 weeks during which time other strenuous activities should be avoided to ensure proper healing.

Dr.  Warren recommends that sexual activity be avoided for 4-6 weeks.

5. Will the results last?

The results of hymenoplasty are permanent, but the hymen may break naturally during sexual activity in the future. The procedure restores the hymen’s appearance, but it does not create a functional barrier.