Most of us grow into middle age without much knowledge of what to expect of our changing bodies. And the truth is that age doesn’t just show up on our face – it affects organs, bones, and of course, vaginal tissue. The hormonal changes we experience during childbirth and thenĀ in aging can make noticeable changes in our sexual function. We know that talking about vaginal health can still be taboo in many circles, but our goal is to make sure you never feel that way with your medical provider. At Spa V, we offer a comfortable setting to discuss your concerns with a doctor that specializes in women’s health.
Modern Technology For An Age Old Problem
Women are living longer, which means we experience more of our lifetime spent in perimenopause and then menopause. This can result in decades of genitourinary symptoms due to loss of our sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. For far too long, women were told that there was not much to be done for symptoms like stress-induced urinary incontinence or painful intercourse. Surgical options are expensive, risky, and require significant downtime. Fortunately, treatment options have been evolving. Now, the same CO2 technology that has been used successfully to rejuvenate the face has been adapted for use on vaginal tissue. With CO2RE Intima, we can tighten and tone the vaginal walls with minimally invasive, energy-based treatments.
How Does CO2RE Intima Affect Vaginal Tissue?
This laser device delivers CO2 pulses to the treatment area that stimulate tissue remodeling. The body starts ramping up collagen production, which results in better tone and elasticity over time. The pulsed energy is able to penetrate into both surface and deeper levels of skin and tissue to create significant and lasting improvements. Short treatment sessions are easy to fit into your schedule, and the best part is – no downtime! Patients can return to their normal daily activities immediately following treatment (refraining from sexual activity for one week). Best results are seen after 3 treatments and can be maintained with just one treatment a year after.
If you’d like to learn more about CO2RE Intima and if you might be a good candidate, schedule a consultation with us today.